Home Bitutainers
Maximum GW: 30-32 MT
Payload: 23-25 MT
Tare weight: Approx. 6.5 MT
Bitutainers are engineered for the efficient transport of bulk bitumen via rail, road, and maritime routes worldwide. Crafted from robust materials, they endure temperature fluctuations from -20°C to 230°C without compromising structural integrity. Internally, two pairs of heating pipes traverse from rear to front and vice versa, expelling exhaust through top outlets. These pipes, secured by sturdy “U” bolts, boast diameters of 219mm (at flame zones) and 159mm (elsewhere). Complementing each heating pipe are dual diesel burners positioned at their inlets, ensuring effective heating throughout the container for temperature regulation of the bitumen cargo.
Length: 20 feet (approximately 6.06 meters)
Width: 8 feet (approximately 2.44 meters)
Height: 8 feet 6 inches (approximately 2.59 meters)